Floss reusability should be in mind.
Hoopsie Java was created with the thought “I’d like to use all the beautiful floss as the creators envision their designs, but I don’t want to end up with leftover floss I can’t do anything with.”
Hoopsie Java hopes to help one find patterns that use the floss that one has.
Hoopsie Java is a one-person operation that began as an offshoot of my Etsy store, varidita.
Here at Hoopsie Java, I hope to help people find delightful up-to-date cross-stitch patterns that use their leftover floss.
The word “Java” is a shout-out to:
- the fact that Aida cloth used to be called Java canvas.
- a caffeinated drink people enjoy, sometimes when they craft.
- and a small island in Indonesia where I was born and raised.
Thank you for stopping by, and have a wonderful day!